Re: [NTLK] Desperately Seeking Wise, Kind Help...

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 00:11:23 EDT

on 26/06/02 21:23, Michael Nerad at wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> It has been awhile since I have posted anything. I have been recovering from a
> serious illness and have not had the energy to write. But, I have read all of
> the daily digests and have appreciated all of the expert news, advice and
> opinions.
> I have read the FAQ's, and searched old posts, but I wasn't able to discern a
> clear solution to my situation(probably my own ignorance). I desperately need
> help with a couple of problems that have come up in the last couple of days.
> My original Newton 2100 is my main computing device. I have severe
> disabilities in both my hands and elbows that make it very painful to use a
> keyboard, and I therefore use my Newton for it's ease of use, and relief of
> pain. I have returned to school as a non-traditional student for a new career
> direction and I depend on my Newton for many hours of daily assistance.
> About a week ago, the 2100 began to have pen alignment problems. No matter how
> many times I reset the alignment in the preferences, the pen was never in the
> correct and expected point. This was erratic; with the alignment sometimes
> being higher, lower, left, right, always changing.
> Sometimes thought things would be normal. I have not added any new software in
> months or changed any settings or preferences in other programs. I cleaned the
> screen, and made sure there was no debris by gently running a business card
> around the screen and it's frame.
> Well, things have taken a turn for the worse, Today my 2100 decided that along
> with the alignment problems, it now has severe jaggies. It is unusable in this
> state. Help! What can I do? Is this a hardware issue, and if so, is there
> anyone who can repair this for me?
> Any of your expert advice is needed immediately! I need this computer ASAP. I
> can not take the pain of using a key board on a regular basis, and I need to
> find a solution(s). If you feel it is more appropriate, please feel free to
> email me privately also.
> I know that there must be someone who has had this combination of problems. I
> am the original owner of this Newton from Apple. Are they the ones to fix
> this, or should I run from this idea?
> I look forward to what I am sure what will be many helpful suggestions. Thank
> you in advance for your time, help, and kindness.
> Michael Nerad


Sorry to hear about your illness. If you already ran the business card, then
I'm afraid it is some hardware problem, probably the contacts between the
touch screen and the motherboard.

I'm not sure who would be able to repair it besides Apple. But recently,
with the drop of 2100 prices, you might want to consider if it's
economically advisable to send your Newton to Apple for repair for about
$180, when you can get nice 2100 for $100-$150...

Also to consider were late reports of Apple starting to be picky about the
repairs that they will perform.


Laurent Daudelin                            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software                  

fudge: 1. vt. To perform in an incomplete but marginally acceptable way, particularly with respect to the writing of a program. "I didn't feel like going through that pain and suffering, so I fudged it -- I'll fix it later." 2. n. The resulting code.

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