[NTLK] re Locale

From: L vRooy (ara_at_dwaf.pwv.gov.za)
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 02:57:01 EDT

<Patrick asked many Q.s: I'm unclear on just what it is that you are trying=
 to do. The package LocaleFix, which adds tone dialing etc for Australia is=
 an extension that
doesn't allow you to 'select' a country - It only affects Australia and does
this automatically with no user intervention. Are you trying to set up a
country that the Newt doesn't know about? Are you trying to set up new
"summer times" for existing countries? Or is the Locale package you are
referring to something completely different?>

Just trying to set-up the country (already present in the TimeZone list) in =
Preferences/Locale. I want to use a different currency symbol. In my case=
 South Africa, currency: Rand, symbol R. The drop-down list in Prefs/Locale/=
Country only allow me to choose from 6 countries (the original G6?) of=
 which, incidently, Australia is one. I assume now that Locale does not use=
 the same data set as TimeZones. I'm referring to the built-in packages.
Hope it's a bit more clear to trigger a solution.

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