Sorry to hear about your health probleme.
Well, four suggestions...
1. Get rid of apps. meant for older Newts. and their hidden leftover =
prefs.(this includes apps. updated for OS 2.1 but still allows certain =
prefs. that were only for the older Newts.).
2. Apply more pressure to the screen side that has the PC card slots. =
This weak side has a tendency to seperate epecially with pc cards inserted =
and extracted and thick pc cards(esp. modems).
3. Always get rid of accumalated dirt on/around the screen.
4. Ask Dr.Newton if he could exchange the screen.
>Well, things have taken a turn for the worse, Today my 2100 decided that =
along with the alignment problems, it now has severe jaggies. It is =
unusable in this state. Help! What can I do? Is this a hardware issue, and =
if so, is there anyone who can repair this for me?
!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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