[NTLK] Lost Email...

From: Woo Lee (vitcitylb_at_earthlink.net)
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 23:18:18 EDT

Your Newton has no keys to tap...

=2E..but do you know how to tap it's potential? Still learning after all =3D
these years. On my tombstone will be a Newton with a Newtonbook running =3D
telling others who lies here, what I've done, when to change the batts., =3D
and the surrounding temperature. It'll be easy to find my plot at night =3D
too. :-)
'tapping this does nothing'...
>EITHER i dont have a busy enough life or i need to use my NEWTON more. =3D
>inspire me to be a better newton user woo. thanx

!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!

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