I'm looking for a simple time/billing software and have searched UNNA.
I've looked at the Time Card Slip from SAS. Limited and you can not write
any notes on the slip.
I've looked at TimeAccountant. Looked good on the docs, but d/l the software
and loaded it and it didn't do anything...nada.
Downloaded TimeReporter but the ZIP and SIT archives are password protected,
so I an unable to comment.
What I want to do is to keep a daily log [by Client] and [by Task]. I don't
care about a timer, just the ability to enter hours worked. Having a billing
rate would be fine, but not required. I then want a method to check off what
has been billed, then check off once payment is received. It would then be
nice to be able to transfer the completed slip to Notes.
Any ideas...suggestions...
Donald Ryan
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