Re: [NTLK] Oronico 802.11 cards?

From: Robert Hoehn (
Date: Sun Mar 03 2002 - 14:37:18 EST

I was wondering the same question. How do I 'downgrade' the airport
software to 1.2? I tried deleting the old airport software and
installing 1.1, and I got all sorts of errors. Where does one get the
1.2 software? Thanks


On Sunday, March 3, 2002, at 08:02 AM, THX 1138 wrote:

> Verily, on 3/3/02, Robert Benschop quoth:
>> Your wireless wireless PC card should be a Lucent Technologies WaveLan
>> Silver Turbo 11MB. (only one reported to work so far) and Airport
>> version
>> should be 1.2 and set to 'Computer to Computer' on channel 3
> Could someone point me towards a AirPort 1.2 download or tell me on
> what CD I might find it.
> My AirPort CD is 1.3.1, and my OS CDs give no clue.
> This sounds beyond cool and I can't wait to try it.
> later
> --
> ben.
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