Have you considered DiabetiCare from Tactile Systems? It was designed to
work with the LifeScan One Touch meters, but may work with others, try it
DiabetiCare is currently on sale for 30% off during the month of March -
regularly $20, now $14. If you like it, I will supply the unlock code.
This sale is a promotional benefit for the NewtonTalk List! A portion of the
money you save ($5 per software title) can be donated to to help maintain the List hardware.
Tactile has other Newton software also.... Take a look around!
...yes, a plug, but this is a selfless plug. No benefits to me, just
Newtoneers in general, Tactile Systems, and potentially the List hardware.
Why? *NewtFever*...ya won't know 'til ya gets it!
Anthony Velasco, USFWS-Ecologist/ecotoxicologist
This Newt's trekking through cactusland and lov'n it!
Managing Sales and Licensing for Newton Software at: - Tactile Systems, Inc.
Contact me via the above E-mail for more information
-----Original Message-----
I have a question for the list.
I have Type 1 diabetes which is out of control. My doctor and I have been
trying to get it under control and I have been attempting to reach MedData
Inc regarding their Healthmate program. They are no longer in business and
there is no download for the software. Looks like another case of
A member of the list has agreed to sell a copy that he no longer uses to me.
Problem is...
begin quote---------------
>I can sell it to you with the
>manuals. The problem is that it uses a password scheme that is
>dependant upon the Newton you use. If there is a way around this,
>you can use the program.
end quote-----------------
Is there a way to "unlock" a program that uses the Newton's internal
If anyone knows please let me know on or off list. I could really use this
software and hopefully armed with all of it's data, help my doctor to revise
my treatment.
Thanks in advance,
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