Re: [NTLK] free newt paint

From: Way-Chung Wong (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 06:08:40 EST

I have recently been a lurker on this list but I just want to say
something about this business. My most popular software I "sell" has
always been honorware and has always been just five bucks. Honorware
meaning if you use it and like it you pay me the $5. The software is not
disabled in anyway. I will now share how "honorable" people have been in
purchasing my software. In all the years I have been selling these apps
(since 1996 or so. Wow! Has it been six years already?!), I have
received, at the MOST, $150 total from the honorable users. That's about
25 people and I KNOW there are more people using than paying. I even have
users sending me email saying that thay will pay - but never do.

At the first LANUG meeting I attended, one of the first things Woo Lee
did when he met me was pay his honorware. So did other members. When
Loren Finkelstein visited from NY, he saw one of my apps, tried it and
promptly paid. Thanks folks!

I have also noticed that more folks paid while the Newton was still in
production. From the past two years there has been almost zilch honorware
fees being sent in (other than the LANUG gang!).

So I guess I'm saying that if people can get away with getting something
for free, they will.
I will say, though, that I was never trying to make a load of money, that
I KNEW there would be many who won't pay and that I did this out of the
love for the Newton and for fun rather than profit.

Developers who have reg. codes are definitely in the business of making
money. If you like NewtPaint, please pay for it. I did.

Let's see, $150/6 years = $25/year. Oh man, this will put me into another
tax bracket! ;)

Way Wong
Byte-Size Software

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