Red is the complementary color of green. When you look at a color for a
long time, it gets "burned" in your retina, because the retina has been
over-stimulated. It is trying to compensate by tossing the complementary
color in there to "dampen" the hue you are looking at. When you look
away, though, the eye cannot adjust fast enough, so you see the inverse
color of what you were looking at in your vision still.
On Wednesday, March 6, 2002, at 02:04 PM, Larrie Easterly wrote:
> Last night I was using my Newton in the dark with the back light on
> for a
> long time. At one point the back light turned off and I looked outside
> at
> the cloudy sky. The clouds were red. This surprised me because the city
> lights usually make them a yellowish white. I then realized that the sky
> looked red, because I had been looking at the green Newton screen. I
> have no
> idea of the physics behind this. Just an interesting factiod.
> Larrie
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