Re: [NTLK] blank screen problems

From: doppler (
Date: Thu Mar 07 2002 - 09:05:08 EST

Jochen Sch=E4fer [] wrote the following 2002-03-06 14.48:

>>> The display stays normal if I have a keyboard or the serial cable
>>> attached, i.e.
>>> if communication is going on.
>> ive noticed that too. if the dongle and kbd are attached, it seems it ca=
>> handle it.
> What about using your stylus?

stulus works - if i tap the empty areas, the screen responds just as usual
and does what it should. everywhere on the screen where there have been
activities since last switch-on, the screen area is active. all ather scree=
area remains blank.

the only cure for this i found so far, is doing something that changes the
whole screen, for example align pen or rotate screen.

this is getting awfully frustrating :(

>>> I guess there is something like a current
>>> flux that let the display go blank.
>> yes, something like that...
> OK, where are our hardware gurus?

well, is it really hardware related? i think not, isnce the unit worked jus=
fine until i restored names and dates and all that. (note - minus system! i
did NOT restore the system from the old BU...)

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