Re: [NTLK] PDA article in "Der Spiegel"

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Mon Mar 11 2002 - 16:28:26 EST

There is no question that we should 'act up' against bad writing about the
Newton. However, the aim of it must not be to blame the writer for writing
wrong things but to proof the fact that all the existing PDA's have a crap
HWR. My friend is a technical geek and since 4 years we meet several times a
year and he always got a new PDA or cell phone toy to demonstrate. He never
ever said about one single thing that its HWR is usable as the one of the
Newton was. (We all know that, sorry for bothering :-)
This is the sort of errata I wish to read in the next Monday's Spiegel. Not
only that, but also that none of the PDA makers got that far as Apple did 5
years ago.

With best Regards / Viele Gruesse!

Marco Mailand

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