Mostly basic things, really:
1/ I use the printed recogniser with Alt.rec and as many expansions as I can remember (sigh - if only there were an
automated way to sync these to Word's auto-correct list :-). Alt.rec does noticeably slow down the machine but makes up
for this by screaming through difficult-to-recognise words or abbreviations. I like the 'add word to word list' popup,
2/ I use bulleted lists - not the built in (too slow) but the standard notepad, and have an expansion for 'bullet on new
line' 'skip line and bullet' and 'return-tab-bullet-space' for "indented" notes. Still trying to find a way to convert
these to 'genuine' bulleted lists in Word tho - and trying to design a macro to do the opposite.
3/ Notescroller by Catamount. I _always_ run out of space - this allows me to scroll 1/2 a page (my setting) rather than
the full 'allowed' by the main scroll buttons
4/ Useful for short notes and queries - JumpN (version 1.1) - allows quick switching between 2 separate notes: I use 1
for the 'main' notes, the other for queries, comments, etc - oddly enough usually named 'brain farts' :-) (note a prog
limitation only allows you to jump between notes in the same folder - get around this by switching to 'all folders'
before starting).
5/ Translate 'on the fly' - my HW is way too ugly to post-translate. Make sure your spacing settings and translation
'speed' are comfortable for the way that you usually write.
6/ While keeping Jon's remarks in mind - particularly as you're starting off, correct recog. errors as they occur:
otherwise the newt will 'learn' that word as correct and you'll have the same problem cropping up time after time.
7/ Should you want to append to a note further up the paperroll (ie in order to avoid continuously dragging the bottom
of the note down) - use Timestamp. This sets the time and date of the note to 'now' and moves it to the bottom of the
roll - ie no end limitation.
8/ Use multiple notes: as the newt starts to slow down, use the 'new note' gesture and start another. Dumping multiple
notes via NCU or (my favourite, Quickpress) is almost as easy as one.
9/ Use multiple clipboards - I use 4 - for odd words and phrases you don't have time to set into the recogniser/ set up
an expansion for. Leave them on the clipboard and tap-drag into place as necessary. In large meetings, I occasionally
set higher clipboard numbers and load everyone's name - makes it very fast for 'who said what'.
10/ If yr going to use Styles, put a shortcut to it on yr button bar (or if using a 1x0 unit, use GestureLaunch and set
one up for it) - the fewer taps the better. Alternatively:
11/ Some people swear by Way's BB Editor - I've tried it and its good, but doesn't really work for me as I tend to focus
on the MPad as a 'data capture' device and do formatting on the desktop. Still worthwhile checking out if you have
issues with quotation marks, brackets etc - many people do.
Hope these pointers are of some use.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bradford Schmidt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [NTLK] Taking notes on Newton - TECHNIQUES?
> So, who takes notes in ink, and who goes right to hwr? And what settings
> do people use? I for one could use some tips.
> brad
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