I thought I'd share this with the list although I haven't heard from
anyone either interested in these applications or with feedback from
using them.
>Status: U
>Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 09:00:36 -0500
>Subject: Re: Gulliver for the Newton
>From: Kim Parrett <kim_at_northisup.com>
>To: Dale Steele <dsteele_at_igc.org>
>Attached is the Out of Pocket demo for the Newton. I will get back to you
>in a separate email regarding your Gulliver question.
>True North, Inc.
>on 3/14/02 12:36 AM, Dale Steele at dsteele_at_igc.org wrote:
>> Kim:
>> Thanks for the clarification. I did in fact discover this while
>> testing gulliver during a recent trip. Do you still offer Out of
>> Pocket too? I have also noticed that I'm unable to make use of the
>> location manager feature of the demo version of Gulliver. Is this a
>> problem with the application as far as you know? By the way, I'm
>> sharing this info with other newton users, there are quite a few out
>> there still in case others are interested. If that was the case,
>> might it be possible to make a group purchase at some discount?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Dale
>>> Dale:
>>> I sent you an email yesterday and mistakenly told you that Gulliver would
>>> handle expenses. You must have Out of Pocket ( another Newton program by
>>> True North) to handle the expenses. Gulliver will streamline input and
>>> access of travel information with easy-to-use templates and pop-up windows.
>>> Entries made into your travel schedule automatically appear in your
>>> appointment calendar.
>>> I apologize for my error.
>>> Kim Parrett
>>> True North, Inc.
>>> --
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