> One thing that I am looking for is translation software or a Spanish <-->
> English dictionary program. NewtonCage I believe noted one but it was a
> demo only. Does anyone know if the company is still in business or if
> there is an alternative available?
Have a look at a suite of packages called PowerTrans 3.2.2 by Travel Concept
Solutions <http://www.travel-cs.com> There is a demo.
It's current software and not cheap but good quality. I use it primarily for
English<>Spanish and it's really helpful because it's fluid in both
directions and allows you to add entries with the correct attributes.
The developers can take a while to respond but they are there maintaining
the SW at a low level.
The suite includes German, French, Italian and Portugese modules and you can
choose what to load. Translations will go between any of the languages for
most entries so when you have all installed it beats a suitcase of paper.
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