Re: [NTLK] Geek Safe

From: Loren Finkelstein (Loren_at_Finkelstein.Net)
Date: Fri Mar 15 2002 - 09:31:29 EST

On 3/15/02 2:17 AM, "Laurent Daudelin" <> wrote:

> on 14/03/02 20:52, Jim Johnston at wrote:
>> For Laurent and others:
>> Playing with GeekSafe earlier today I found the export to notepad
>> function. Really cool. How difficult would it be to add a function for
>> importing from the notepad?
> Much, much harder. A note in the Notepad being a free form text entry, we
> would need a very smart parser in order to get the data in. I see where you
> coming with that, but, unfortunately, I don't think I have enough time to do
> that. Specially since the most requested feature is the ability to encrypt
> the data on the store.
> -Laurent.

How about, instead of importing from the notepad, using something similar to
"DragNDrop Names. It's too late for me now, but it would have been a much
easier conversion process if I could have selected text from the notepad and
just dragged it onto a Geeksafe window. Especially since 99% of the time it
was pre-formatted on 3 lines. Server, Username & Password.

Just an idea.


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