Re: [NTLK] pcmcia ata HDrives

From: Stephanie Maks (
Date: Sat Mar 16 2002 - 19:12:05 EST

I tried a PCMCIA type 3 hard drive with my eMate. It was about 260 MB. It
worked ok for about 5 or 10 minutes. I set up a 4MB partition, copied some
packages to it, ran the packages, and so on.

Then the eMate crashed with an error (I think it was #4). After some
further experimentation, I am pretty sure the error was not related to the
ATA driver, but rather, a power error. I think the PCMCIA hard drive was
drawing more power than the eMate could provide.

There was no problem with speed though.


> Has anybody tried to use one of those pcmcia ata harddrives (e.g.
> Kingston DataPak Type II PC Card Hard Drives) on a Newton with ATA
> Support drive?
> It looks exciting to have 2 or 5 GB of space available.
> What has been the result?
> How is it seen and handled by the OS?
> Can we store data only or packages as well?
> How to load packages in memory?
> Marco

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