> Has anyone gotten the MP100 to connect to a PC?
Yep. Never tried with Win2000, but works fine with
Win95 and Win98.
As you are running Win2000, I assume your PC is not
exactly a slow one. Connection problems with fast PC's
have been frequently reported here. This is why I'd
suggest your downloading
slowdown.exe (can be found at www.unna.org). You can
start more than one instance of this program, and each will
make your PC slower.
Also, you might want to give the Newton Backup Utility
(NBU) a try, this is also at UNNA.
Are you sure the cable and the Newton's serial port both
work? Sorry if this has been mentioned, I don't recall this
thread completely.
Good luck
Newton hardware and software at http://www.pda-soft.de
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