Look for a note with weird characters in, particularly in the title bar.
Is there some way (someone here will know this) that you can send me your
notes soup, assuming you don't have anything in it that you don't want me to
Try this as well: -
Go to 'Sloup Talk' in Notes2Notes and try the following command: -
{labels: 'Personal}
Just paste it into the Sloup command window and hit the send button.
Try it for different folders (i.e. replace 'Personal' with the name of the
folder you want to see the entries for)and you should be able to track down
the folder that contains the offending entry.
Once I know what the entry is I might be able to do something about it.
> From: Jeremy Bond Shepherd [mailto:jbond_at_eskimo.com]
> Perfect sense. OK, I just tried the latest NewtDump (0.1b97)
> and it makes
> it up to entry #71 and then hangs. Sloup seems to be still
> running OK (no
> Lightbulb icon or error message) nut NewtDump is just sitting there
> "Processing Notes".
> My Notes soup has got to be wacky or somethin'.
> -Jeremy
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