> -----Original Message-----
> From: newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net
> [mailto:newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net]On Behalf Of Geoffrey Arend
> Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 11:03 AM
> To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Subject: [NTLK] Somebody please help.
> Hello all,
> I'm about to tear my hair out. I have access to a s900 and
> have been
> downloading packages onto that. Had too much trouble
> connecting the
> Newt to it, so I connected it to a Quadra 840AV I also have
> access to.
> So basically, I dl on the S900, floppy it and send it to
> thw 840AV.
> Here's the problem.
> I need to install NIE2.0 to my Newt. I downloaded the
> packages off of
> unna, but my newt doesn't recognize them. I downloaded the
> lucent-wavelan driver and the Newt recognizes that package
> fine. But it
> simply won't "see" the packages off of unna. (no application
> specification, just "unknown," exactly how I did it with
> the Lucent)
> What is going on?
> Is there a way I can just "move" them to the Newt? This is
> driving me
> crazy. All I need is that damn Newton Device Driver
> installed so I can
> just hook up to the NET and never have to synch again!
> Please help. My
> eyes hurt.
> geoffrey
You need an application called "packtype" on your Mac (you can get it
from UNNA) just drag and drop the downloaded packages on to it to
change the type and creator codes so it is recognised as a valid
Newton PKG.
Nb this is in the FAQ (or if it is not it should be - right at the top
in BOLD!!!)
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