on 22/03/02 22:53, Geoffrey Arend at shatten22_at_mac.com wrote:
> Hey Victor,
> thanks for the link, but I can't seem to get it to work, i think its the
> link itself. I will continue my search, unless there are any kind souls
> who are surfing and emailing (wireless) who wouldn't mind sharing the
> secret.
> thanks,
> geoff
> ps-that means all of you. :=)
>>> address?? Airport handles that? Where's the DHCP? Then I tried
>>> configuring a new setup with "Ethernet" and got an option for DHCP, but
>>> when I tried to use Newtscape, nothing happened. I have searched and
>>> searched, and searched again on Newtontalk, but nobody maps it out.
>>> Any
>>> chance, for the sake of keeping a record for all those to come,
>>> somebody
>>> does a little step-by-step walkthrough right now?
>> Well, everything you want is probably explained in the NIE 2.0 USers'
>> Guide:
>> But someone else can help you with Airport and base stations and such,
>> I'll just stick with my lil' old RangeLAN2 stuff. (BTW, if there's
>> anyone
>> out there who is buying Wavelan and wants to get rid of their RangeLAN2
>> stuff, give me a ding, I might be interested)
Be careful to rebuild the link correctly if it's broken when it gets to you.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin <http://home.cox.rr.com/nemesys> Logiciels Nemesys Software mailto:nemesys_at_cox.rr.comcase and paste n.: [from `cut and paste'] 1. The addition of a new feature to an existing system by selecting the code from an existing feature and pasting it in with minor changes. Common in telephony circles because most operations in a telephone switch are selected using case statements. Leads to software bloat.
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