Re: [NTLK] Newton, meet HP?

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Sun Mar 24 2002 - 15:24:01 EST

Am 24.3.2002 12:56 Uhr schrieb "Ronald Uphoff" unter
> I use the "HP DeskWriter" driver from the list of printers in the Newt to
> print to my DeskJet 870Cse. By the way, the HP DeskJet 340IrDA driver still
> works for newer hp printers with Ir.
I can confirm that: by means of PrintPack I print to a DeskJet 891 (?) cxi
and was able to print to a HP LaserWriter via IrDA. The latter is hell slow,
but probably because it had to transmit pixels to get the Fancy font
printed. Using any other font like simple or Monaco is routed to a similar
font in the printer and thus it should be faster.

With best Regards / Viele Gruesse!

Marco Mailand

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