Re: [NTLK] connecting a newton, powered or no?

From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 03:03:10 EST

If you want to connect in an absolutely safe mode you should:
- power off the PC/MAC
- bring yourself to the same potential as the computer has
        (by touching a metallic part of the computers back)
        in order to avoid discharges of electrostatic energy to the interface
- connect computer and Newt
- switch on the computer

Fortunately the practice of most of the Newt (and computer) users is
different - and much more easy - just plug it in...
And fortunately in most cases this procedure does not harm neither the Newt
nor the computer in most cases. But there is a risk and a certain
probability that you may damage one or both of the interface circuits. That
was my point saying that the SER-001 will be an additional protection for
your newt, because in the case of cases the intreface circuit on the SER-001
will be damaged and NOT your Newt.
In fact there are certain days where it happens more often that you
discharge yourself on metallic parts. Especially if you wear the right
(electrostatic) clothes, have an isolating floor or good isolating shoes and
the relative humidity of the air is very low (< 40%). In this case you
should take care to equalize (discharge) your electrostatic potential to the
computer before you touch teh cable and plug it in.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Dan
> Sent: Sunday, March 24, 2002 10:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: [NTLK] connecting a newton, powered or no?
> Hello all,
> I have been hearing many different views on this so I thought I would ask
> again and get the "latest" conclusions. Should the computer be
> powered down
> before connecting the newton for backup etc? I always have the newton in
> sleep mode, but does it really make a difference either way? I have heard
> both sides.
> -Dan
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