[NTLK] Inexpensive WAP that works with Newt 2x00 and WaveLan card

From: Warren Stone (wstone_at_nortelnetworks.com)
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 17:17:32 EST

I've seen some people suggest buying an 802.11 card for their computer and
using it with the software base station setup. Of course with this setup the
computer has to be powered on and running to use the Newton with the
wireless LAN. Since Airport cards cost $90-$100 and desktop 802.11 solutions
are also in the $100 range, a cheap dedicated base station becomes

At home I use an airport for all of my computers. However at work I bought a
D-Link 713P from Best Buy. I paid $179 but it had a $50 rebate so the final
cost was $129. It works great with my Newton 2100 and my Ti Powerbook. It
even has a built-in print server. While it's not supported by D-Link you can
even setup a UNIX style LPR printer on the Mac (que name is lp) and print to
a postscript printer from your Mac (I have an HP 6MP). The 713P setup is
done from a web browser so Mac users can configure it as easily as Windows

Beware, the box does not mention any support for Macintosh and I'm sure if
you call D-Link with a problem and tell them you own a Mac they'll hang up
on you.


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