Re: [NTLK] [ANN] MAD Newton 0.6.1

From: Simon Roberts (
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 18:08:11 EST

on 26.03.2002 2:52, Eckhart Koeppen at wrote:

> just a small update: I added support for 11khz files and streams, let me
> know if there are any bugs. The files are here (only MADNewton.pkg has
> changed):

I tested it with a 24 Kbps, 11 KHz stream, which previously didn't work and
now works beautifully ( Of course, with such
low bit and sample rates, it sounds pretty awful. Fortunately, the station
concerned (Floyd Radio) has a higher quality stream as well which, through
my little black Internet Radio (aka MP2100), has provided me with some
enjoyable listening over the last couple of days.

Incidentally, my experience is that, with a good stream, Mad Newton can now
provide uninterrupted listening pleasure for several hours on end. At my
office, where I have a 2 Mbps connection with good backbone connectivity, 56
Kbps streams often play with little or no drop outs. At home, where I have a
768/128 Kbps ASDL connection with not such good backbone connectivity
(despite what Deutsche Telekom say!), 56 Kbps streams play but are often
quite choppy. I guess increasing the amount of buffering might help. Any
chance of that?

Thanks for the software.


Simon Roberts
Berlin, Germany

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