Re: [NTLK] [OT] eMac Pricing...

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 00:01:19 EDT

Actually, the Newton is a product that Apple has
abandoned and could care less about (evidenced by the
fact that the Newton Logo now seems to be public
domain in that other companies are (were) using it!)
And the Newton has grown way beyond what Apple ever
intended it for, so it can barely be considered an
"Apple" product except for the logo on the front (and
my 2100 doesn't even have that!)

My "bashing" you call it, is just a voice. You choose
to accept it for what it is, as it is, or be your own research and make your own
decisions. I've got 30 years in the industry (20
activly involved) I for one am not platform specific.
I hate all platforms equally! It's just that I know
where my bread is buttered and Apple never made me any
money (except when I purchased stock at 28 and sold at
60!). Where-as, Dell, Compaq and Sun all have...and as
plain as it may sound, Being a Microsoft Admin,
basically guarantees me a job...and an easy one at
that! (oops, hold on, I need to install MS SQL 2000 on
another 1000 servers...just a push of a button and
it's done! ahhh...SMS!)
Apple's inability to support the platform, and their
consistant lack of understanding of the market place
has regularly injured a company I worked for (My boss
was a BIG Apple fan, until he was burned to the tune
of $20,000 for some Mac vXs!) has caused me to be
somewhat caustic towards the platform! Yes, I'm an
oportunist, and have no problem with that. I use what
I can afford and what works. The sheer fact that Apple
could pull the plug out from the Newton industry, and
the Mac Clone industry (injuring dozens of companies
and causing millions in losses) is just the middle of
a long string of lost causes that Apple has produced.
Listen! The box is a commodity! I could care less what
my data sits on! If I gotta pay 2 grand for a Mac unit
or 1 grand for a "non-mac" unit, which will I choose!
The one that works with the software I need! Try
getting PeachTree or QuickBooks to run on your latest
Macs...I'm still running a copy of PeachTree on my
latest quad P4 1.6Mhz server running .Net server...and
guess what? It runs exactly the same way it did on my
380-40 running windows 3.1...My Data is secure! And
when my quad P4 1.6Mhz server is out of date in a year
or so, heck, I only spent $2500 (ok, the 2gb RAM was
additional as well as the 8 port serial card and the 4
port ethernet port...but the total was under
$3500!), so what do I care...I'll get another! Heck,
the next bunch will probably be cheaper!
web/gadget guru

--- Lou Forlini <> wrote:

> Why you insist on continual Apple-bashing on a
> list devoted to an
> Apple product I'll never know. But it has grown
> very tiresome.
> Regards,
> - Lou Forlini
> Software Engineer
> System Support Products, Inc.
> --
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