> nope...it's purely manual.
> What I've done is I leave my rechargeable battery
> connected to a lightbulb and a resister in series (I
> forget the value, but it's small...something like 10k
> but 5 watts)
Most of this has been discussed already, and yes, I
also love Ed. So consider this post my feeble attempt
at getting into the top poster's list again.
It is correct that discharging cells below their normal
discharge voltage (about 1.0 volts depending which
book or datasheet you read) can sometimes improve
a cell's performance. However, it is mandatory that
this deep discharged is monitored in a way which only
sophisticated hardware can provide. This is true for
single cells or for packs of cells that have identical
behavior. For packs in which one or more cells have
become different from the rest, this procedure has
a good chance of doing more harm than good. If
you don't believe me, have a look at
Frankly, I never bother doing this kind of experiments.
It takes about two hours to refurbish a MP2k pack with
brand new cells that are more than 40% better than
the originals. See the hardware section of the site in the
signature for details.
Newton hardware and software at http://www.pda-soft.de
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