>From: John Skinner john_at_johnskinner.net
>Subject: Re: [NTLK] Outlook Synch Beta testing
>>How about a decent name like "Newton Desktop".
>>I am about tired of all this CrunchNamesTogetherAndCapitolizeSomeLetters
>>thing. Let's give it a normal name and make it sound like a real product!
>But if we call it NewtonOutlookSyncToolForFunAndProfit, then we can give it a
>swirly logo and it'll be all ready for the Internet Economy! :)
>(if your name isn't Grant Hutchinson, you probably need to see this page to
>understand this joke: http://www.splorp.com/critique/ )
>-Victor, obviously not doing any work at work
Gee, maybe I can incorporate that swirly logo thing into the NuShield
emblem ;-)
Mark Ross
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