At 18:16 -0600 5/2/02, Jeb Bolding wrote:
>Obviously, I need some type of hardware serial adapter to connect them
>together. I suspect this is what everyone calls the serial dongle.
Yes. It's a tiny cube, the size of a big dice. It's an annoying wierd
moment in Apple history :-|
>Is this what I need? Is it possible to find one?
Yes, you do (but read on), and yes you can. Try eBay.
>How does this relate to ser-001?
The SER-001 is a replacment for that goofy port on the Newton 2x00,
so you don't need the dongle. (And so you don't lose the dongle!)
-- Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times <> San Francisco, California, USA <>I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there. -- Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988)
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