Re: [NTLK] Sync Apps

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 12:36:34 EDT

On 03/05/02 12:13, "Eric L. Strobel" <> wrote:

> on 5/3/02 11:58 AM, Smith, Bradley at wrote:
>> CodeWarrior costs sever hundresd pounds!
> Well, folks have practically been offering their firstborn... Just a
> thought to put out there. (Personally, NCU works for everything I need, but
> that may not always be true. Of course, by then I may actually have OS X
> capable machines. OK, I'm rambling...)
>> I never said Windows programming was easy, it's just that I've been doing it
>> for years so it's easy enough for me these days. Remember also that it's
>> easy to write didgy code for Mac OS 9 and bring down the entire OS! Doesn't
>> happen on Mac OS X or Win 2k.
> Well, I wouldn't go THAT far, but your point is well taken. Though, come to
> think of it, I hope W2k is better than NT in that respect as I've probably
> had more spectacular failures on Windows machines... (Of course, I'm a
> physicist, not a professional programmer. I've even taken out a Sun
> workstation with bad code. OK, technically it didn't crash, but it soaked
> up so much resources that it was easier to just reboot than to try to get in
> to kill the process.)
> Anyway, I guess I'll shut up now...

I think that the main point was to provide a nature solution for those
running on OS X. NCU still works fine in OS 9, so people shouldn't feel like
left over. It's not like there is no solution for OS 9, even though it's not
the best one.

On OS X, there is no solution at all, except loading Classic and accepting
its limitations...


Laurent Daudelin              Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae             Washington, DC, USA
********************** Usual disclaimers apply **********************
Gates's Law: "The speed of software halves every 18 months." This oft-cited
law is an ironic comment on the tendency of software bloat to outpace the
every-18-month doubling in hardware capacity per dollar predicted by Moore's
Law. The reference is to Bill Gates; Microsoft is widely considered among
the worst if not the worst of the perpetrators of bloat.

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