[NTLK] Application of the NewtonWorks graphing calculator

From: Jon Glass (jonglass_at_mac.com)
Date: Fri May 03 2002 - 14:43:21 EDT

And now for something completely different... :-)

I was just reading the Newly available NewtonWorks book, and was reading
about the graphing calculator. It sounds fascinating, but not being a
math-type person, while fascinated by the possibilities, I'm a bit blown
away. I think that it may be able to do something I would like it to do, but
I'm not sure. Let me explain:

I just gave an exam last week, and would like to plot the curve of the
grades--mostly to verify my exam, rather than to judge the students. How can
I use the graphing calculator to plot the bell curve that it seems that the
curves have created. In case it helps, I have already entered the scores
(both as raw and percentages) into a NewtonWorks spreadsheet. Is this the
sort of thing the graphing calculator (0r even Qfigure Works) is capable of,
or am I waaay off the mark? :-)


Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.

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