Scott Rogers ( wrote:
> In all of this talk about sync apps, does anyone know if there's an easy
> way to change the type/creator codes of TextEdit RTFs in OS 10 to the
> NCU-recognizable MSWD?
If I remember correctly, TextEdit documents (darn Cocoa apps!) have no
creator or file type at all, but you can easily fix this yourself. Enter
the following into the AppleScript editor and save it as a droplet:
on open FileList
repeat with anObject in FileList
if not folder of (info for anObject) then
tell application "Finder"
set the creator type of anObject to "MSWD"
set the file type of anObject to "RTF "
end tell
end if
end repeat
end open
Just drag any number of RTF documents onto it, that's all.
- Michael
Michael J. Hussmann
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