Re: [NTLK] Re - Draining batteries

From: Eric L. Strobel (
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 11:28:06 EDT

on 5/6/02 10:36 AM, Marco Mailand at wrote:

>> OK, I can't resist any longer... What is the origin of the term "accu"?
> We use in German Akkumulator and abbreviate this with Akku. PowerTrans gives
> as translation of Akku into English only 'battery' but into French it is
> 'accumulateur'. Since French and English have so many similar words I was
> convinced that accu is understood w/o problems :-)

Don't worry, the meaning was obvious from the context. And to be honest,
somewhere in the dim recesses of my mind I think I may have recalled that
term from my (25-years-past) high school German classes, because my first
instinct was that it was short for 'accumulator'. Which, if you think about
it, is certainly more descriptive than 'battery' (a word also used for
beating/battering another person).

- Eric.


Eric Strobel (fyzycyst_at_NOSPAM^

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