>Heh... I used to get around 2 weeks per charge (fricken great!)
That's good, real good.
>but I'm thinking LAVA has something to do with it.
Probably, since CPU cycles are used to generate the screen designs, but it =
really helps to minimize the backlight use.
>and maybe even try building a better battery.
Cool, or just order from the batt. supplier, powerhouse.com IIRC.
>I've got a lot of the NiMH
>batterys from Apple, Woo. It's my biggest fear, not having NiMH batteries
>for the newton, i've had them since day one of my first 2100.
I used to use the recharge-in-external-charger NiMH's, but had to go back =
to the OEM Apple batts., but the Panasonics look better every day. :-D
!ooW %-)
Pres. of Los Angeles Newton Users Group!
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