Re: [NTLK] [ot] !sdrawkcaB saw: RE: Backwards!

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 10:01:57 EDT

That is the question...isn't it...nobody knows. If the
company is still in business, there's talk of
"re-purposing" our group to other departments
(possibly in other states) or just...well? Leaving. So
far, it looks like most people are leaving
(voluntarily) but we'll see how many people are left
after the next round of layoffs...
web/gadget guru

--- Paul Nuernberger <>
> LOL!! Imagine that ... working for a living !
> So if they are 'phasing out' your department, where
> do you go once its all
> phased out ?? (Not to veer OT, but ...)
> Paul Nuernberger

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