Re: [NTLK] newtontalk Digest V2 #367

Date: Sat May 11 2002 - 05:19:18 EDT

<<...alt.rec...I pretty much always want what I write to just be
translated to a dictionary word unless I do something special...Can I
configure this somehow to do what I want? It just seems like "match
to dictionary only" (or something similar) would be a good feature.>>

You may be aware of this method already, but the way I achieve this,
at least in Notes, is to set 'Letter by letter in Notes', a setting
in the HWR prefs. You may also want to adjust the HWR speed/accuracy
settings to a less accurate setting to give the cursive engine a bit
more lee-way when picking a word from the dictionary. The result is
that you quickly learn to print words that you do not expect to be in
the built-in dictionary. It seems that the cursive engine still
prefers the dictionary and so carries on as normal, whereas the
printed engine just follows the letters. For me, this has become
subconscious to the extent that I tend to switch my handwriting from
cursive to printed when I write proper names and abbreviations on
paper. Funnily enough, it makes sense on paper too, as people often
make mistakes reading cursively written non-words. Perhaps this shows
how closely Newton HWR models human HWR.

OTOH, it may be that you want to switch off 'Letter by letter in
Notes' as this will mean that all words can only be recognised as
dictionary words (like Newton OS1.* - yuck!). Then, if Newton reads
'pr0n' as 'prom' you just select 'try letters' from the word
corrector menu each time this happens, and it will ignore the
dictionary. This way would drive me round the bend as I write
non-dictionary words often.

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