>I can=92t chance losing the over 300 notes, 1400 names, and months of
>appointments on the Newton which does not readily transfer over in
>its entirety to my computer for backup. What shall I do?
1) get NCU working so you can export notes and names regularly as tab
delimited text transferable to any computer.
2) if necessary buy an old power mac with at least 64 MB RAM for this
purpose. Estimated cost, $100.
3) optionally, buy a compatible ethernet card to make this process 20
times faster
4) export all notes and create a newton book out of them using newton
press or word/appleworks/newtscape - then delete all the notes.
Keeping your Notes store small can speed up notes export and make it
more reliable. Also, find highlights the search word in Newton books
whereas in longer notes it can be difficult to find where the search
term crops up.
5) remove all returns from the notes attached to names entries for a
cleaner tab delimited export
6) remove all drawings and ink from names to get a more reliable export
7) synchronise with claris organiser 2
8) don't use any application that adds custom fields to the notes
soup. You can remove/cleanup the names soup by exporting as tab
delimited text or synching with Claris Organiser, making sure you
have all your data on the desktop, erasing your names store, and then
reimporting/synching (be sure to backup your desktop names file
before synching). sometimes you can heal a faulty names soup by
filing it onto a card and then back onto internal. I don't know why
this works.
9) email your backups/exports/claris oraganiser file to a trusted
friend as off site backup.
10) also, NCU for Mac corrupts itself regularly. if
synch/backup/export doesn't work, try reinstalling NCU.
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