Re: [NTLK] Newton problem

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Wed May 15 2002 - 09:35:08 EDT

on 15/05/02 03:00, Luke Petschauer at wrote:

> I=B9ve gone through the FAQ and haven=B9t found anything that sounds like wha=
> my Newt is doing, so I decided to email...Sorry if the FAQ does make this
> redundant.
> My darn Newt won=B9t start up. When I flip the switch the Newton startup
> screen flashes (briefly) twice, but that=B9s all that happens. None of the
> reset techniques that are listed in the FAQ work. I have noticed that whe=
n I
> shake my Newt I hear something rattling around inside it...Should I risk
> opening it up to see if anything=B9s loose?

I think you should open it. The startup sequence you describe usually means
that something is bad, hardware-wise, in your Newton.

Laurent Daudelin <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

bug-compatible adj.: [common] Said of a design or revision that has been
badly compromised by a requirement to be compatible with fossils or
misfeatures in other programs or (esp.) previous releases of itself. "MS-DO=
2.0 used \ as apath separator to be bug-compatible with some cretin's choic=
of / as an option character in 1.0."=20

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