Re: [NTLK] [OT] apple does server

From: Benjamin Higginbotham (
Date: Thu May 16 2002 - 22:49:19 EDT

On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 09:37 PM, Chris Ruprecht wrote:

> On Thursday, May 16, 2002, at 08:25 , William R. Dickson wrote:
>> Oracle for Mac OS X Server was announced along with the Xserve.
> I did not know that and have not seen that on the Apple site, but then,
> I only looked at the hardware specs.

> On the subject of IBM: They are now using what they call Power3 and
> Power4 processors in their AIX boxes, any idea where that compares in
> the G3/G4 range? They sound pretty impressive ...

Power III and Power IV are in the same class as the G4, but you can
cluster a lot more of the Power series together. The 74XX from Motorola
have a sweet spot at two processors. I have a friend that knows a lot
more about this than me, e-mail me your questions off list and I'll see
if he can answer them for ya. He used to work on the DEC Alpha project
(before Compaq suckified it).

I'm making this up now, but I think the Power series of processors is
better for serving. It is an amazing processor... I have always hoped
that Apple would have IBM add Altivec to a Power IV processor with 4
processors on one die, and stick two of those is a box. That would make
it a 8 processor 1U computer! Ok, now I'm being silly.

My $0.02

Benjamin Higginbotham

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