I've been gradually getting up to speed with an MP2100 after 3 years of Palm/Visor usage.
I like Newton's HWR and find myself trying to write cursively on my Visor sometimes. It feels
awkward to switch back to Graffiti. The Newton has gotten pretty good at recognizing my
writing, which is a nice trick. I'm glad I bought a Newton. It's really a ton of fun.
A few questions:
1. Does anyone have a spare dongle door they're willing to part with? I bought this unit from
phillydiscounters on eBay and it is missing the small door that covers the pwr adapter and dongle ports.
I'll be happy to negotiate offlist of course.
2. Was there ever a compatible 56k modem card in existence? I seem to recall
seeing one somewhere, but can't remember where. I have a Hayes 33.6 now that works,
but slowly.
3. Is there anything close to Avantgo for easily storing web pages? I have been trying to
use Newtscape to copy pages to Notes, but it is too slow and I don't know what I'm doing.
4. What data can I expect to lose if I let the batteries fully discharge? With the Palm, that
would be everything but the stuff on ROM.
Ross Cottrell
"Loyalty to petrified opinions never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul in this world - and never will."
Mark Twain
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