[NTLK] Connecting to Earthlink w/ Newton 2100

From: Terence Griffin (terence.griffin_at_nist.gov)
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 12:38:34 EDT

 I'm trying to connect to my Earthlink account for surffing and
 email withn my relativly new 2100. I've tried several different
 Internet Setups. I'm using NIE and Newtscape.

 The two errors I get are something like "PPP negotiation failed"
 and "unable to locate DNS server."

 I got the DNS IP addresses by logging into Earthlink on my PC.
 Then I did a Google search and found an instruction page for
 Newtons from Earthlink. I changes the DNS server address and
 tried the script they gave in the example, all to no avail.

 I know my modem is working right. It dials out and connects with
 the Earthlink server, but then it fails after that.

 I activated the "spy" to monitor the transactions when logging
 in. I notices that I get a ***Bad Password*** message in the spy

 Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'd like to be able
 to use my Newton to read my eamil when I'm ont the road. I've
 been reading this list and the Newton news groups. I've search
 the NewtonTalk archives and Google for anwers.

 - Tere (terence DOT griffin AT nist DOT gov)

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