Re: [NTLK] hello omp

From: LA GREEN (
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 16:42:40 EDT

CONGRATS on your new omp. i know when i got mine and i wanted to get new
programs for it i just did a search and then went from site to site and
downloaded everything i thought i might like or have use for. if u do a
search on u would be amazed at how many sites there are and how
much software there is. so go forth and download. you know best what u need,
want and like. ENJOY


>From: "scOtty teCHnoir" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [NTLK] hello omp
>Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 12:02:09 -0400
>Hi gang.
>I grabbed an omp from ebay for a good price, and it arrived this
>morning. Kinda fun to fool around with, not sure how useful it will be
>just yet :) but I was hoping for a couple pointers to get me started.
>Firstly, I've been trying to scrounge up some battery info. The newt
>came with a wee black thingy labeled Newton Rechargeable Battery, but
>alas there is nothing _inside_ of it, it's just a shell. Can anything be
>done for this or do I need to find another battery cage? I found an
>online shop [via the ntlk archives] and they have the cages for a buck
>[styli too], but their min order is $10..grr. anywhere else to check?
>the newt lacks the stylus as well.
>Also, since this is the OMP, I am gaining an appreciation for the many
>jokes regarding text input. The HWR engine seems a lot different that
>rosetta! It seems to morph any unfamiliar words into whatever it sees
>fit! Is there a known, efficient method for training this beast?
>How about software? Is there a good backdrop app, or any indispensable
>pkgs I should be grabbing from unna?
>Anyway, it sure is a pretty little the shape and size. I am
>optimistic about getting to do...something!
> >>scotty t
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