Re: [NTLK] NuShield

From: Oliver Brose (
Date: Sat May 25 2002 - 07:18:58 EDT

>Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 13:53:38 -0500
>From: "Michael Mays" <>
>Subject: [NTLK] NuShield
>Received my NuShields today for my Messagepad 2100. They required a touch=
> of trimming to fit in the screen area. Now is it just me, or is it nearly=
> impossible to see through these things? The cloudiness and the=
> reflectivity seem to combine on mine to form a somwhat opaque barrier that=
> can only be viewed in certain ways. If anyone else seems to be=
> experiencing this, what have you done to alleviate this, short of removing=
> the NuShield?

Once you have applied the shield it will take some time to "settle
down" and cling to the screen. The visibility will improve a lot
after a day or so. Nevertheless it will still not compare to the bare
screen, just pick up a single shield and look through it to see how
transparent they are. Believe me, you will get used to it, and after
a week you will not notice it anymore, but after four months of hard
abuse, when you finally replace the shield, you will know that it has
been worth it.

I think if Mark finds a way to make the shields clearer without
compromising on other aspects he will do so without hesitation.

Oliver :)

I refuse to modify my behaviour just so some mechanical device can 
function properly. That really doesn't make sense.
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