[NTLK] Paul Guyot Rocks!

From: Martin Joseph (marty_at_barknaturalpet.com)
Date: Mon May 27 2002 - 03:22:35 EDT

> * ATA Support isn't an abandonned project. Actually, I worked on it
> on Saturday.

This is going to be awesome! although I still haven't maxed out my 8 meg

> * I now have an eMate 300 (merci Robert!). And I have experienced
> myself the bug with these machines causing a restart when it wakes
> up. It's a problem of power, I'll try to fix it. However, I might
> release a build before it is fixed.
This is a bug Apple should have fixed years and years ago, those lame
bastards. Of course that means Paul will have to fix it!

> Future versions of ATA Support might include support for FAT,
This would be a really important feature.

Good luck with your studies Paul.

Were all counting on you... (Just kidding)

PS How much is 50 Euros in US dollars?My newton doesn't know....

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