Re: [NTLK] I'm so bummed... upper PC card slot blues

From: Michael 'Mickey' Sattler (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 02:14:18 EDT

At 08:05 +0300 5/28/2002, Bernie A. Goltermann wrote:
>...I have confirmed that that I can still use my cards in the
>lower slot (Ehternet, modem.)...

Well then, I'd suggest that you try the cheaper of those two cards in
the upper slot. If they work then you know it's the card, not the
slot. If nothing is recognized then you know it's the slot.

On an up note, however, buying a new 2100 is still cheaper than the
Apple repairs in 1997-8.


Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times   <>
San Francisco, California, USA    <>

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