[NTLK] newtontalk Digest V2 #399

From: Prabhakar Ragde (plragde_at_plg2.math.uwaterloo.ca)
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 09:08:00 EDT

>Does anyone have experience connecting PCs running XP with 802.11b cards
>with Airport basestations? One of my employees bought a new Fujitsu
>B-series Lifebook with on-board Prism wireless lan and XP Professional.

I bought a Fujitsu P-2040 (quite a marvellous little machine, even
though it's a PC -- why does Apple think that .1 below 5 lbs is
adequate?), inquired about wireless, and was told to get the
configuration with Windows 2000 Pro instead of XP, because XP had
problems with wireless, and in particular would not connect to the
nascent campus network. I took the advice and got the W2K config. This
machine has no trouble connecting to my Airport basestation + Xsense
router at home. --PR

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