Re: [NTLK] Newton dial-up in the UK%26In-Reply-To=%26lt;p05111714b91936130372@[]>

From: Michael 'Mickey' Sattler (
Date: Thu May 30 2002 - 03:10:23 EDT

"KPEVAV" <> said to us:

>Okay, now I am confused. In the U.S., I grab any phone cord and
>plug it into my modem and it works. If I bring one of these U.S.
>phone cords, with an RJ-11 at each end, and plug one end into an
>adapter (RJ-11 to UK-style plug), will my modem work? Or is there
>some other type of modem cable needed?
>Leaving for the UK in about 40 hours.

Whoa! Whatever the answer, you'll be able to find an adapter at most
UK airports. But to get the definitive answer, quickly call <a
href="">TeleAdapt</a> tomorrow. They're
great, and have everything for phone and AC adapters. They probably
can't get what you need in such a short time, even with next-day
shipping, but you'll know what you need, if anything.

I've been using their products since 1995, and they've been
absolutely great. I even re-wired the telephone portal of a
Mediterranean island with the stuff in one of their kits (plus a bit
of wire)!

Mind the gap!


Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times   <>
San Francisco, California, USA    <>

I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there. -- Richard Feynman (1918 - 1988)

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