From: L vRooy <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 11:21:02 +0200
>1 Is it possible to add a country in locale?
Yes. Cf Programmer's References, chapter 17. To add a locale, use AddLocale.
>And per se create your local currency symbol.
You can also add countries, but this doen't let you add a currency symbol.
>2 Sources for commecial Newton s/w? Is there an entry point to
>a list of companies/software?
Not many people are selling software nowadays for NewtonOS, and most
of them are shareware (I'm thinking about Steve Weyer and Way, just
to mention two of them).
These shareware are on UNNA.
Supported commercial software include backtalk by Robert Ellison,
maybe QuickFigure by Don Vollum and some other stuff I don't have in
mind right now.
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