>Forget it. Spend two or three hundred dollars and by a Nikon CoolPix.
>The images are amazing.
the older coolpixies connect to newton using tibet/serial cable. from
there you can use simplemail or newtftp to email or put the pictures
on a server. i have even done this with my mobile phone-newton
connection. avoid coolpix 100, 300 and 900 as ccd is horrible. 700 is
best since it takes AA's, the best ccd ever (in terms of natural
colour and skin tone), and has no zoom and no more pixels than you
need. later coolpixies have bad skin tones/colour balance, too many
pixels and crappy compact zooms that take away all your light and
lens quality while encouraging you to be lazy about composition, a
bit like every other stupid digital compact on the market now. the
990 has inaccurate manual focus distance display. manual focus is
essential since most digital compacts fail to find focus in the
evening. all are best used in review only mode so that batteries can
last for many hours of continual use. fujis are great if you want all
your friends to look red and yellow.
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