Re: [NTLK] trotter

From: Chris L. Chapman (
Date: Fri May 31 2002 - 12:58:23 EDT

Yeah. I'm forced to use windoze at work which totally makes me mad when I
"need" to get something done and word is acting up or stupid excel won't
print. I'm happy when I come home and live a microsoft free life... hehe. I
use what I want at home and if I have to share, it's as easy as saving the
spreadsheet in a different file format for the mac and pc people (.XLS).
There. I'm done! Well, that works for me anyways. As far as powerpoint... I
wont go anywhere near it.

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Subject: Re: [NTLK] trotter
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 01:39:02 +0900
x-mailer: Claris Emailer 2.0v3, January 22, 1998
From: Sushi <>
To: "Newton Talk List" <>
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>On 6/1/02 @ 0:55 AM, Chris L. Chapman wrote:
>Want to exchange something? That's what RTF is for! I
>can put a document that I created on my NeXTstation to
>windows, to my newt or my powerbook....

I didn't know RTF worked with PP... :-o ;-)

Again, I am talking business and government use. It is very easy for IT
folks to just use MSFT Office. It works on Macs and Windows -- the two
most common platforms out there for the most part.

Yeah, I know about UNIX, NeXT, BeOS, etc. I am just talking mainstream
business and government use.

Anyhow, if you want to do spreadsheets, and be compatible with Excel, on
the Mac side there aren't a whole lot of options available. Besides,
it's easy to install MSFT Office on the Mac and have the compatibility
with the PC folks for all three apps (Word, Excel and PP). From an IT
perspective, it's a no brainer.

BTW, I didn't say that I like MSFT, or MSFT Office for that matter. :-o

But I also realize that most folks (customers) that I interface with
expect to see documents in Word, Excel or PP format. Or Adobe Acrobat
for reading only.

Personally, I use FullWrite Professional for documents. And I have no
plans on changing. Then again, no one else needs to read my documents.


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