Thanks, but my Japanese is limited to Shena Ringo and edamame! This
might be of interest:
Europe to Compete With U.S. Global Positioning System
Rockets are supposed to begin lifting off in 2006 to carry 30 European
satellites into orbit. The satellites will emit signals that will allow
people with receivers -- drivers, sailors, rescue workers and pilots,
for example -- to determine their precise locations on Earth. It is
similar to what the U.S. Global Positioning System already does, and the
pending launch of a rival is fueling a new transatlantic dispute...
>>> 05/31/02 02:28PM >>>
I don't know if these cards are available in the US
(or anywhere else for that matter)...
I found a Japanese page selling them though...
--- "" <>
> Basicially, it means that the CF card presents
> itself to the Newton as a
> serial port via the PCMCIA card slot. If it
> implemented a custom interface,
> then the card could send data to the Newton faster
> (therefore more position
> updates), but then it would need a custom driver.
> This make me excited too - I've been thinking about
> picking up some GPS
> hardware for my Newton. Now where are those
> :Cue:Cats so I can make that
> grocery inventory system...
> -- Victor
> Newtontalk list dad and hardware dreamer
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Philip Lord
> Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 06:50:28 -0700 (PDT)
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] GPS, Maps, PC/CF card
> Yes, the card is a CF version with a CF-->PC card
> adaptor.
> I'm not to sure what you mean by 'binary protocol
> driver in GPSlite' but I know in the 'interface
> settings' of GPSlite the speed is set for 4800, no
> parity, Data bits =3D8, Stop Bits=3D1 and the GPS
> driver
> is NMEA 183. Not to sure what all this means of
> course!!!
> mail2web - Check your email from the web at
> .
> --
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